Thursday, January 28, 2016

Perhaps you've heard about the benefits of eating honey, but do you know what happens if you drink water with honey to your body?
How to prepare: Place a teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and stir well. Honey will melt water, which brings many health benefits. Here are the benefits of water with honey on an empty stomach:
- Bring the end of the problems in "hose Qore". - Strengthens the immune system and is excellent in fighting bronchitis. - Cleans the digestive tract from parasites. It frees the body from toxins. - A thorough cleansing of your body begins - because it has antibacterial and antiviral properties. - Improves colon and destroys microorganisms. -

It can also help to uncontrolled urination at night. For preventive purposes drink this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach. Drink it quickly. Stomach as a valve opens and the water quickly goes into the digestive tract. You can be used and overnight this mixture. This drink can be consumed before bedtime, because it facilitates the work of the kidneys. On the other hand, this drink will make skin bright and soft.

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