Thursday, January 28, 2016

12 brain foods!

1. Almonds - increase blood flow in the brain
2. Boronica- improves learning and motor skills
3. Walnuts -are rich in omega-3 fat
4. Brussels sprouts - contains triftofan which brain mutate
in seroten
5. Broccoli - helps the brain function

                                   6. cauliflower - helps clean the white mass trurore
7. Ginger - has anti-inflammatory action (against burner)
8. Apple-food for the mind, body and emotions
9. Watermelon & melon -objektivi; Brain functions
10. Cabbage - helps reduce the risk of brain cancer,
lung and prostate cancer
11. Lettuce - helps increase blood flow to the brain
12. Nuts pine-stimulate brain activity.

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