Thursday, January 28, 2016

How to better distinguish natural honey true?

Honey is rich in vitamins and minerals, and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Prepare your body by consuming adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Honey is rich in vitamins and minerals, and has anti-inflammatory properties. With the help of these 10 tricks discover what is real honey. 1. Take some honey and rub it between forefinger and thumb until dissolved. Pure honey is good for the skin and is not sticky. If you have rubbed it up, it means that there are sugar or artificial sweeteners in it. 2. Try to put a little honey on paper or paper towels. Pure natural honey contains no water and will not penetrate the paper for a long time. 3. Bees instinctively build hives in the trees and the rocks to protect against cockroaches. Put some honey to cockroaches, they will not affect the natural honey. 4. With the yolk mix a little honey. If honey is pure, when you shake the yolk, it would look like it was cooked. 5. A small spoon of honey place it in a beaker with water. Artificial honey will begin to melt, and pure honey will be strengthened and will fall to the bottom. 6. If the coat with a slice of bread, honey, natural honey will harden for a few minutes, while artificial honey bread will dip due to the water content. 7. Just before swallowing honey will actually give you a bite or scratch sensation in the mouth, artificial honey which can not reach. 8. Observe whether honey will crystallize over time. Imitation of honey will stay lëmueshëm syrup, no matter how much time is saved, and real honey will crystallize. 9. Peak string of a match dab of honey and try to switch it on. Natural Honey will not prevent ignition. Artificial honey is water, so matches can not light up. 10. Put in microwave 2-3 small spoons of honey. Warm at high temperature. Karamelizohet natural honey will quickly and will not take the form of chalk. Karamelizohet artificial honey will be difficult and full of bubbles.

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