Saturday, November 21, 2015

Top 10 Tips to Work a Room Like a Champ

Whether you’re headed to your office’s boring holiday party or attending your weird neighbor’s potluck, parties—which should be fun—come with all sorts of awkward moments and stressors attached. Here are 10 ways to work that room like a champ. 10. Enter with Confidence Everything starts that first moment you enter a room. Even if no one’s watching you, expressing an air of confidence will make you feel more confident, which will put you on good footing for the rest of the night. Sometimes, confidence is a “fake it ‘til you make it” kind of game. So dress your best, strike a power pose, and walk into that room with the mentality that you’re going to rock this party. 9. Have a Plan Top 10 Tips to Work a Room Like a Champ No matter what kind of party or gathering you’re attending, decide on a purpose when you head out—even if that purpose is to “drink lots of beer and dance the night away”. Or maybe you’re at an office party and want to advance your career by meeting some people in other departments. Maybe your purpose contains a bit of both. Whatever the case, if you know why you’re going, you’ll have a better time. How to Navigate Your Company's Holiday Party Like a Pro At best, you probably think of your company holiday as a boring event you're forced to attend, … Read more 8. Pick Your Battles Top 10 Tips to Work a Room Like a Champ Part of having a plan is knowing that not every party needs attending, and you shouldn’t feel bad about turning down the occasional invitation—especially if you tend more toward the introverted side of things. If you’re weary of socializing, it’s going to be clear to others that you don’t want to be there. So skip it! Sure, there are events you should probably go to no matter what (like important networking opportunities or close family occasions), but don’t take on more than you can handle. It won’t benefit you or anyone else to do so. How to Survive a Party or Social Gathering as an Introvert Introverts are awesome people who simply prefer to relax by spending time alone or with a quiet… Read more 7. Look for Pairs of People Top 10 Tips to Work a Room Like a Champ Parties are full of people you don’t know, and striking up random conversations isn’t easy for most of us. But if you want to meet new people, you have to put yourself out there. Here’s an easy trick: look for pairs of people. They’re likely made up of two people who came together, and are ready to mingle, or two people who just met and will be relieved to have another person join the conversation. It’s easier than joining a large group, and less intimidating than talking to someone else who’s on their own. How to Survive a Party When You Don’t Know Anyone Parties are supposed to be fun, not scary—but trying to start a conversation in a room full of… Read more 6. Give a Good Handshake Top 10 Tips to Work a Room Like a Champ It sounds silly, but a good handshake can go a long way. It shows you’re friendly,interested, and projects some more of that confidence we talked about earlier. So keep your drink in your left hand to keep your right hand free and dry, give good eye contact, and master the art of a firm, winning handshake. The Five Mistakes That Can Ruin Any Handshake At the forty or so seminars I give yearly, I always ask the same question: "Who here has ever… Read more 5. Remember People’s Names Top 10 Tips to Work a Room Like a Champ If your brain is anywhere near as useless as mine, this is the hardest part of meeting someone new: their name goes in one ear, and out the other. By the time it comes to say something to them, you’ve already forgotten their name. Don’t feel too bad—there’s a lot going on in your brain that causes this—but there are a few things you can do to avoid it, too. When they introduce themselves, say their name back to them: “Nice to meet you, Sasha”. If their name is unusual, ask them to pronounce it, or spell it for you—even if you think you got it right the first time, this will help you remember it later on. And try to use their name a few times in conversation to keep it in that noggin of yours. How to Remember People's Names (and Deal with Unusual Names) Accurately remembering names is one of the simplest yet most important components of interacting… Read more 4. Pay Attention to Your Body Language Top 10 Tips to Work a Room Like a Champ People’s first impressions of you form pretty quickly, which means every little bit matters. If you’re nervous, or close off your body, you may come off as disinterested even when you’re not. Try to adopt a more open stance (rather than, say, crossing your arms), give some eye contact, and smile. If you tend to get too much in your own head, try mirroring their body language, or just pretend like you’re talking to a good friend. You’ll immediately open up and seem more interested. How to Make (and Sustain) a Good First Impression Every Time In a perfect world, friendships, relationships, and business contacts would all develop naturally… Read more 3. Turn Small Talk Into a Conversation If there’s one universally dreaded social interaction, it’s the “small talk” that comes when you first meet with someone. One can only talk about the weather for so long. But with the right attitude, you can turn small talk into a real conversation: share small details and ask questions until something sticks, then expand on that common ground. Have a few topics to go ahead of time (the FORD technique is helpful here), and answer with specifics. If someone asks what you do for fun, tell a story of something you did rather than just listing activities. Lastly, remember that small talk doesn’t have to be overly substantial—at its core, it’s about making connections. You have to start somewhere! How Can I Turn Small Talk Into a Conversation? Dear Lifehacker, I hate small talk. I never know how in-depth I should go into a conversation and… Read more 2. Listen Top 10 Tips to Work a Room Like a Champ Most people confuse being a good conversationalist with being good at talking. The true mark of a good conversationalist is listening to the other person and contributing to the conversation, rather than waiting for your turn to speak. This is one of the most common conversation mistakes you can avoid, and once you do, you’ll probably find that people get really excited to converse with you. How to Be More Interesting When Meeting New People You might think that being interesting is an innate talent, or that it means you have to be the… Read more 1. Be Okay with a Little Awkwardness Top 10 Tips to Work a Room Like a Champ Finally,remember that this is not a cure-all for social awkwardness. Meeting new people and being in new situations always comes with a little vulnerability, and it’s okay to show that—everyone else there is feeling it too (albeit different levels of it). Remember, there’s no spotlight on you, and there are plenty of people more awkward than you are. Enjoy yourself and don’t sweat the little stuff. The Awkward Human Survival Guide: How to Handle Life's Most Uncomfortable People Life is full of awkward moments. We meet people who share intimate details about their personal… Read more Lifehacker’s Weekend Roundup gathers our best guides, explainers, and other posts on a certain subject so you can tackle big projects with ease. For more, check out ourWeekend Roundup and Top 10 tags.

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