Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Google to deliver wrong search results to would-be jihadis

Internet giant's search engine will bring up messages which seek to combat extremism when potential jihadis look for terrorist material online

Mohammed Emwazi, the real name of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) executioner Jihadi John who beheaded dozens of hostages 
Jihadi sympathisers who type extremism-related words into Google will be shown anti-radicalisation links instead, under a pilot scheme announced by the internet giant.
The new technology means people at risk of radicalisation will be presented with internet links which are the exact opposite of what they were searching for.
Dr Anthony House, a senior Google executive, revealed the pilot scheme in evidence to MPs scrutinising the role of internet companies in combating extremism.
“We are working on counter-narratives around the world. This year one of the things we’re looking at is we are running two pilot programmes,” said Dr House.

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