Saturday, January 30, 2016

Speaks guy that beat Facebook. Our struggle against "Big Brother"

For Max Schremsin victory it has at least two flavors. Facebook activist who challenged before the European Court today is "happy" because the decision gives the right. It is "delighted" for itself Mr. DATAGATE, Edward Snowden,

congratulated by the Twitter. Vienna, 28 years old, with angelic face and a placid tone, like a student of a law, like many others. And as it is, were it not that, in the name of privacy, managed to put into question the relationship between Europe, the US and the internet giants.

 A student who achieves a historic victory, he went? All started as a game, in 2011, I returned from a trip to California, with 1,200 pages of data that Facebook has in store for me. When Edward Snowden revealed surveillance program Prism, I became convinced that my details and those Europeans are not safe, transferred to US companies like Facebook. For this reason, I addressed the privacy authority in Ireland, where the European headquarters of Facebook, but told me I was wrong. However, the case ended up in the Court of the European Union.

Which vindicated: seeing indiscriminate surveillance, our personal data in the hands of Americans are not protected. Internet giants can not automatically transfer to the US. "Safe Harbor" is not valid. What are the next steps? Perhaps a battle with Snowden? Without his discoveries, I would not have been able to do all this, I am grateful. And he surprised me congratulated me, was very beautiful thing! The rest, to wait and see, leave me rest a bit ...

 No time to rest: the vice president of the European Commission has already provided internet giants that will be an alternative route to the Safe Harbor, to allow the flow of data. Despite surveillance scandals, until now America has not intervened to protect the "spy" of Europe. And Brussels failed to find an alternative to Safe Harbor. With the decision, things change, there are more young people who have no weight. Citizens may address the privacy authorities in their country and to deliver value to their rights. I know that are many who are ready to do. No "alternative route" can not be put into question what decision the Court, regardless surveillance violates human rights.

 From today, like changing messages to Facebook for Europeans? Apparently, no. Basically, they are protected by Big Brother. Your battle is only against surveillance, or even against the use of data for profit?
Today we won in front of surveillance, because the issue had to do with this. But I'm also active on another front, with a "class action" in Austria, bringing together 25 thousand people. Where do you find the resources and determination? Walk straight, step by step, have not protected arms, but I have the strength of that there is nothing personal to lose or win. I contribution of those who believe in the cause, law professors who give me a hand, the support of many people.

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