Sunday, January 31, 2016

From what compromised memory?

Claiming that memory is very tricky specialists emphasize that it represents the miracle of human biology.

But certainly many things to be made that affect the strengthening and protection of your memory. Based on news "FoxNews" redial information storage and may be incomplete if we see it as a psychological process and consequently the memory remains vulnerable to certain forces very chilling.

These forces can be inside and outside, can influence for a short time or long-term memory in any field.

Here's risk factors memory:

1. Cigarettes: studies show that smokers displayed a growing weakness in information and memory skills, especially in old age.

2. Nutrition wrong: your brain needs glucose. If restrict feeding there will be a weakening of the power of the brain. When you are very hungry and tired to you reflects the feeling of many and unspecified. A wrong nutrition can cause more serious consequences such as Korsakoff's syndrome. This syndrome is a sign of lack of vitamins created by a deficient absorption of vitamins and low intake of vitamin B1.

3. Herpes: a similar health disorder like Alzheimer's disease, paralysis or depression Herpes is a real killer of memory. In many cases this disease does not make you forget the name of your friend or the place where you left the keys. But a severe infection known as herpes simplex encephalitis may seriously affect memory.

4. Hypnosis: things made under hypnosis can be forgotten. Although its effect is momentary hypnotism has a stage (stage) "posthypnotic amnesia (amnesia after hypnotic)" during which you can remember some event or the past.

5. Stress: Studies show that stress events laden with memory weaken.

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Although rarely forgetting anyone can experience such concern is their constant repetition. According to a report published in "FoxNews" after 20s the brain begins to lose neurons and the body begins to produce less chemicals needed for a favorable brain.

But thankfully there are many things that you can do to slow this process. Here are some tips for having a strong memory:

1. Eat healthy foods: a balanced nutrition is important not only for your body. At the same time it is necessary and for the brain and memory. According to the American Neurological Academy, the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants as strawberries, oranges, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli and local apples with 11 percent lower risk of paralysis.

While another study suggests that antioxidants and polyphenols of one found in blueberries, grapes, develop the ability of brain cells which serves to communicate with other people and prevent the impact of brain damage.

Fruits and vegetables with folic acid and vitamin B prevent memory loss and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

2. Make the exercises, you should do exercises to maintain muscle shape. But did you know that exercise and make good your memory?

Cardiovascular exercise helps prevent memory loss. Doctors think that this exercise regulates blood flow to the brain and reduces the loss of brain cells which proliferate in old age. Examination of the brain show that men age who develop physical exercise courses gray (brain consists of two hemispheres which are wrapped with a staple gray. This course gray otherwise called the cortex and control human behavior, learning, memory and thinking) They are better than in those who do not exercise.

It is not necessary to participate in the marathon to sharpen your memory. Physical and mental exercises can help in the fight against memory loss. Make aerobic exercise regularly but do not exaggerate. Because dehydration caused by excessive exercise can damage memory functions.

3. Exercise the brain: you have to pick the brains at work if you want to develop it. Keeping it as active will encourage neurons to form new connections. It keeps memories fresh and prevents memory loss. You can do much to exercise the brain. Some of them are the solution of crosswords, chess, reading books and stay active. Even learning a musical instrument, a foreign language or learning anything new is useful. It is important that these activities are conducted continuously.

4. Take amplifier memory, science has recognized that booster as zinc and folic acid are useful in the development of the brain. Specialists noted that other food stanchions help strengthen brain function and prevent memory loss early in men. Here's some food reinforcements:

- Antioxidants: help protect nerve cells and eradicate harmful free radicals.

- Herbal medicines help in the production of neurotransmitters used in the transfer of nerve signals in the brain.

- Japanese plums, known as folk medicine, Japanese plum is a traditional medicine to strengthen memory. There is a strong feature antioxidant and helps prevent damage to blood vessels in the brain. At the same time regulating blood flow in the brain and enables the elasticity of blood vessels. It also ensures the nerve cells better nutrition oxygen.

- Vitamins B: the B vitamins needed in many metabolic processes in the body are important for the rest of the body. Regarding the brain have vitamin B 12 and folic acid.

In addition to avoiding problems during birth, folic acid is necessary and brain neurotransmitter. Lack of folic acid is associated with memory loss. It is known that people who have a strong memory have a high level of folic acid.

Fosfatidikolin and fosfatidilserin: these are two booster food or fatty acids occurring in Arils fosfopolidet cell. They play an important role in the elasticity of the cell membrane and its maintenance in liquid form. At the same time play the role of publishers and broadcasters brain. Fosfatidilserinës level decreases with fats. This prevents food amplifier weakening of memory and concentration

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Consuming black grape juice reduces memory loss and even helps strengthen her most recent is the conclusion of scientists associated with memory.

Scientists at the University branch of Psychiatry Cincinnati made a study of 12 people suffering from memory loss. As a result those who consumed the grape juice for 12 weeks reflected a good performance in various tests of memory.

Experts formed two groups. While the first group were given grape juice obtained from the Concord area Massachusete second group drank no nothing. During the experiment, both groups were made regular tests of memory. According to the results of the first study group had a longer-term development.

According to experts the reason that lies behind these results are antidoksanët skin and grape juice. Despite no significant changes between groups those who consumed natural grape juice black were more advanced classes. Through this experiment, short-term memory and place reinforced silent memory of belonging to a place.

According to the study by fruits and vegetables rich in fluids and their antidoksan 100% natural function of the protected information.

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