Friday, January 29, 2016

Energy drinks, adolescent health risk

Many energy drinks have ingredients, which can give a detrimental effect on the health of adolescents.

 It has become a trend of teenagers consume energy drinks while they are sitting enjoying conversation with friends, and often in the evenings and holidays accompany them with alcohol to even more risk tenfold. They advertised as drinks that increase pleasure in the brain, strengthen the immune system and furthermore "to do with wings".

 Energy drinks contain caffeine. Most of the most popular energy drinks have inside unusual amount of caffeine and other stimulants that increase more risk. Caffeine is an ingredient known for causing problems in adolescents, such as: dehydration, obesity, anxiety, tachycardia and digestion problems. Some energy drinks contain alcohol. Energy drinks are harmful themselves, but when they mix with other drinks that have certain percentage of alcohol, teens potentiality of risk increases, and leads to the risk of abuse. According to statistics, about 66 percent of consumer energy drinks are aged 13-35 years. Doctors explain that such drinks are not safe for health and addictive.

They add that if someone wants to take power should be eating healthily, do exercise and enough sleep. According to the 2013 report on health in America, about twice the people who consumed energy drinks, was hospitalized in 2012 compared with 2007. At these visits, the most troubling were those when mixed with energy drinks were medical substances as "Ritalin" and "Adderall". A University of Kentucky study found that the combination of energy drinks with alcohol removes the ability of our body to counter the desire to be elevated, increasing the likelihood of abuse. Nine years ago, the French government banned the sale of a beverage-energizing too familiar. French Committee of Food Science found that this drink had excessive amounts of caffeine.

They also raised concerns about drinking the other ingredients, taurine, an amino acid that caused a problem for metabolism. Thus, according to the decision of the European Court, it was supported prohibition that made the French government most recognizable energy drink. At the end of the study, the researchers underscored that they wanted people to be aware of the broad market and energy drinks large amounts of profits that these drinks were and the means used to increase them. It should also keep in mind that the biggest consumers of energy drinks are adolescents, whose body is changing and easily influenced by the hazards posed by food and beverages.

 The content of these energy drinks is not very clear to people and not known for sure what ingredients are used to enhance the pleasure in the brain. Teenagers need to understand that energy drinks can cause obesity, high blood pressure, tachycardia and other health problems. The risk doubled by mixing the drinks with alcohol, which our body can disable sensors that stop us to overdo the drink. So, according to this study, it seems that the price of the wings that these drinks provide is unbearable adolescent body. Young people should not have so much risk, to feel strong emotions to permeate the body because of their age, it makes this possible without any external components

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