Friday, January 29, 2016

Although science does not deny the existence of God

Biology, physics, mathematics, engineering and medicine help us understand the world, but there are many other things in life that remain a mystery. A large number of books and articles already talk that science has denied the existence of God. We know more about the universe, the authors explain that God is unnecessary.

They say they can not explain how the universe without the need of a "creator". Has modern science, from the early twentieth century, prove that God does not exist as some commentators claim? Science is exceptional, teaches us about life, the world and the universe. But it did not find out why the universe was created or what preceded the Big Bang. Also it explains how living organisms were created by a non living. How was elevated consciousness? Consciousness comes from?

 What is it that allows us humans to understand the mysteries of biology, physics, mathematics, engineering and medicine? And what allows us to create great works of art, music, architecture and literature? Science is nowhere to explain these mysteries of the deep. But more important than these mysteries, the question that continues to get answered is: Why is our universe are so precise, tailored specifically for the creation of life? This question has not been answered yet and probably never will take a scientific solution. This is because the universe is intricate and complex.

To explain the quantum-mechanical behavior and even a small particle of the site requires a site extremely advanced mathematics. Why are the smallest particles of matter so incredible so complicated? It seems that there is a big secret, "wisdom" or structure, or a plan to confuse even the most simple element of nature. And the situation becomes much more daunting when we broaden our view of the cosmos. Why everything for which we need to exist, exist?

 How is all this possible without any external power hidden orchestrated precision and the elements necessary for the creation of all bases of life? A great British mathematician Roger Penrose based on physical parameters of the University has calculated the possibility of procreation. According to him the possibility was 1 divided by 10, applicable to 10 and again in force 123. This number is so close to zero as anyone imagines.

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