Friday, January 29, 2016

10 words that destroy your child

1. The offense of child describing it and the adjacent shamelessly animal characteristics.

As ex .: "O cow, my horse, my dog, my ox, my ass, moron .." Or goes to the other extreme and so severely by his insults even cursed the day in which he was born.

 2. Insulting child along the goal of removing from it the negative qualities, as ex .: "You are a thief, a liar, ugly, stupid, annoying, and without hope" etc ..

 3. Comparison! This destroys the child's personality; Then compare it with another child. For every child in the person of his abilities, and talents of its advantages; of course, different from other children. Comparison unequivocally that will make your child feel handicapped or disadvantaged or nëksanllëk in himself. Besides incidental, he kills the confidence this pessimism takes a gift from his parents, from one or two, and begins to feel hatred, anger and resentment toward the child, which is compared by the parents!

4. conditional love. Conditioning child return love, imposing a particular offense, as ex .: "I do not love because it does work, but if it does it will want, or if to succeed. " This is unacceptable, because love conditional makes the child feel that he is unloved and unwanted, and when he grows up he will feel of neglect of the family, because while it was small, it was undesirable to , therefore many children love and love, because their love is unconditional.

 5. wrong information. It comes to those cases where the child said: "No man cries," "Do not cry", "Do not do so", "infancy have leaves behind", "You are crazy Hour"! So he suppressed emotions and not left to be delivered and displayed them.

 6. disappointment. The parent of the child disappoints, denying the right to think, as ex .: "Enough", "You does not understand anything", "No benefit you" etc ..

 7. Threat erroneous and irrational. .: "I will break your head," "will call", "will drink blood," etc ..

 8. stop recurring which is inconclusive. Eg the repetition of the word and the chorus: "No, No, No". So, in most cases we reject them and their children reject our demands, without clarity and reason. And so the child remains unfulfilled and ç'rëndësishëm!

 9. Prayer against him. Ex .: "seize the Lord," "God to seize the soul", "O cursed."

 10. Scandal. Secret revealing the child in front of others.

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