Thursday, June 20, 2013

Have You Ever Thought of Making Money Online Utilising Your Existing Development Skills?

As you are a reader of this blog then there is a pretty good chance you have some involvement with software development or web development. If not, don't worry as it may be very useful for you too. 

What I would like to know is have you ever asked yourself the question:

"What if there was a way for me to earn some extra money online utilising my existing skill set?"

As you already probably realise there are hundreds upon thousands of people making a living online. You may therefore be quite surprised that a lot of these people are doing nothing more than blogging and building lists of readers in order to do this. 

Surprised? - I was!

Assuming you are a developer or techy person of some sort, I would like to maybe open you eyes to the surprisingly simply ways to making some extra money online doing nothing more than simply utilising what you already know AND by using totally free methods

Many people making money online often started out with zero knowledge about the Internet and many of them still have a very small amount of knowledge about its actual 'workings'. Coming from the techy side of things you will already have a massive leg-up in the knowledge stakes. All you need to do is learn how to leverage those skills to make money online.

There are many ways to make money online and these are the key business models as I see it:

1. You do work for someone to provide a service such as creating a website, artwork, software etc.

2. You sell/promote other peoples product and take a cut of the commission when it sells (this is affiliate marketing).

3. You put things such as AdSense and banners on your website to drive traffic to other peoples websites.

4. You train people to be able to do things themselves to learn how to work online (coaching)

5. You sell your own product or service online.

Personally, I have focused on affiliate marketing and AdSense and have experienced varied levels of success. It is also these two areas that I feel you should really look into too!!

Over a period of several months I had been trying to get my head around it all in between my day job and hectic life but it was not until recently that I actually 'got it' and things started clicking into place. The person I have to thank for this is David Bocock

Until 2 months ago I had never heard of David and I actually came across him by accident whilst reading some Internet marketing forums.

I had already tried several courses (unsuccessfully) and although I understood what it was telling me I had trouble joining the dots so to speak. I was getting really fed up with trying to make things work and decided to give David a shot as my last chance saloon. All I can say is I am so glad I did.

David'd course is so cheap (just $29) I can't get over how good it is! The value for money is simply amazing. For less than the price of good self teach book he provides over 15 hours of video training - and this is constantly expanding as he adds new ones. You are taken from the basics all the way through everything you need to know.

You may still be wondering how this could possibly benefit you? Well just imagine for a moment what learning these simple techniques to do for you? What could a bit of extra cash a month help with? Money towards bills? Eating out at a nice restaurant? Funding a deposit on a new car or house? The possibilities are endless.

You may be thinking you already have a decent income and don't need to do this. Well I can understand you feeling that way but what if I told you that from applying just ONE of the simple techniques I learnt in David's course to a blog that I own I am now making 8-10 sales per month consistently from a single blog post? This is now running on auto pilot and will do for the foreseeable future. 

Those sales are now paying for my car and home insurance. That money is now freed up to be used for other 'fun' things. Just from doing something that took approximately 15 mins I utilised something I already had and monetised it. I was blown away when it worked. :o)

So, here is the bottom line. If you would like to make some extra easy cash from your existing skill set then go and take a look at David's Internet Marketing Course. The course is also backed with a money back guarantee so there is absolutely nothing to lose from trying it. The choice is yours!

So to finish - David, if you happen to be reading this, then thank you for creating your course - its wicked! :)

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