Thursday, February 4, 2016

What is the best food for children?

Meat is the main source for many valuable mineral salts such as iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Stand out among other products, not only for the high protein content (15-20%) are and their composition (amino acids of the protein of any type of meat called "essential amino acids" have special nutritional value). Meat is the main source for many valuable mineral salts such as iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. As for sugar, their quantity is quite negligible. It is worth mentioning that in terms of nutritional value and mineral salts, there is no essential difference between fresh meat, not fresh (store in refrigerator). eg chicken (Which is cheaper), it contains as much iron as beef and. After the age of 6 months, the child can be given beef, chicken, lamb, rabbit. Around the age of 8 months may be given and boiled ham. At age 9 months, except meat and liver. Young children were advised: baked chicken meat, especially thighs, paidhaqet, grilled steak, hamburger.
The flesh is part of the daily diet and there is nothing wrong with both children and adults consume enough of this product.

Under normal circumstances, it can be done and any combination; the meat can be taken 3-4 times and other days of the week, replaced with fish, eggs, cheese or beans. There are some cases that the child did not like; do not worry, its elements needs to be filled if given to other products such as fish, eggs, cheese, vegetables etc.
It is important and way of cooking and the servirurit; children try before you want to see, to learn about what you put in your mouth, try to cook with taste and you servirni in various forms, but never try to force; Such actions can backfire, up to detestation against him. For young children, the meat will be cooked certainly by age.

Meat should boil good move that ensures protection from an infection. If we intend to bake better in oven cleaners. Ultravalë apparatus, for many reasons not advised, roasting is not reached until the depth is not guaranteed complete sterilization and suspected carcinogenic properties. There are families who prefer a bit of roasted meat (blood). Not recommended for children, but they do not like.

Livers and brains, not necessary

Livers of all kinds: beef, cow, ox, bagëtije, chicken etc. (Rich in protein, fats and especially iron) and children be given by replacing the meat. Taste and smell somewhat peculiar, which generally does not appeal to children, so they should not insisted; their elements, there are no other substitute products.
Brains can be given after the age of one year old, replacing the flesh, but in general, as livers, disapproved; They have no special value, and should respect the wishes of the child. How livers and brains, there are ways of processing importance. Cooking should be not only according to your desire, but primarily to satisfy the child's appearance and taste.

Fish, not for children konservuarit

Product with high nutritional value, because it contains enough protein (composed of many essential amino acids), mineral salts (especially phosphorus) and valuable fatty acids. The percentage of the latter varies according to the type of fish. There are fish, low-fat (3 to 10%) and others which cross over 10% fat. Child preferably low-fat fish such as tuna. Preferably fresh fish, and canned fish in boxes, not advised for children. When to fish started?
Usually after the child reaches 6 months, always choose low-fat fish.

Children love all kinds of fish, but be cleaned of scales and halllat - careful if passes in the mouth (even once) a needle or scale, there is a danger of fear and not accept more fish ever. Fish cooked simply and accepted only with a little olive oil and lemon (optional).

In general, children do not like sauces or similar assortments spicy fish soups and casseroles. Nor disapproved molluscs and seafood, because they are afraid of their specific views or fear suffocation by "scales or scales" (they do not know they have no needles).

To a good start, before patiently explaining what they need will be available. No less important is the way the servirurit. Not required anything special, just fantasy, so that plates be attractive and not afraid.

Egg, "playful" kids want to see.

Product with dimensions smaller, but with high nutritional value. Suffice it to mention the fact that qualitatively, egg proteins, overtaking many proteins of animal origin such as meat, fish etc. The uniqueness of this product is of two components, distinguished by different content. Yellow - it is rich in protein, fat, mineral salts (iron, calcium, phosphorus) and year. (A, D, B complex). The white - poor fats are proteins with high biological value. Said composition makes egg food really special value.

When should you give? After age 6 months, only yellow. After 12 months and white. Children draws particular colors and shapes, so they are not afraid of it, be curious, last hands to touch this "toy" and to try to mouth. These phenomena and the special taste, are the reasons that young children not only accept, but rejoice as they see the egg, their faces, stammering out of pleasure, etc. clap their hands.

Egg, carries risks for allergies? Yes, milk ranks second behind, but this should not in any way serve as a reason to avoid diet. More allergies, gives the white albumin, therefore the late start. Given this phenomenon, it is important that after passing the first, the care is demonstrated by the emergence of any particular sign linked to allergy such as skin rash, hives, etc. fecit change.

As provided the egg? Like young half boiled (soft-boiled). For teaspoons (starting with yellow), but should be fresh. If you do not find fresh eggs or dislike such, it can be thrown into the soup.
For ages next, it depends on the child - must be respected.

How to check if the fish is fresh?
Fresh fish, preserves the smell of the sea
Not be released
Have strong consistency
The eyes are bright (have not lost fluid)
Ears are pink and save the smell of body

How to choose the egg?
It is best to provide fresh eggs. To prove that is the case, do the following:
Take a glass on a large scale and filled with water
Put the egg inside
fresh egg will fall in the end
If there has been more than 5 days, design is vertically
If over 15 days, will stay on the water

Low-fat cheeses, three times a week for little ones ..

Do not give the child after meat or sausage, hanging stomach.
According to the milk is produced, recognize cow cheese, mutton and buffalo; It can be produced by mixing and some types of milk. Cheese contains a concentrated form all dairy ingredients, so it is a source of calcium, protein and fat (missing sugars). For values ​​of (especially calcium), cheese, should be taken at least 3 times a week. Yes care should not be given after a very busy food with meat, fish or sausage, to vetëmen digestive system is overloaded because of a high percentage of calcium. Given the nutritional value, it could easily replace meat (when the child refuses).

By percentage of fats, we distinguish: cheese with more fat, where fat go over 40%; The average fat cheese (20-40%); cheese with less fat (under 20%). The food industry has produced many diverse cheeses with names of the differences. Children generally accepted common cheese, with a little salt.

They do not like the distinctive flavor cheeses or too much salt. Despite the name, recommended for small children with low-fat cheese. Italian literature states that the cheese is liked by children parmixhano, mazzarela, grana, strachino, Rikota and formagini.


Wheat and rice products, based on the child's diet.
Rice departed before feeding babies, wheat after the fifth month

Cereals, flours produced of which are numerous, among them mention wheat, corn, rice, barley, rye, etc. The most frequently used for small children, are wheat flour and rice. Cereals are known for high sugar content, up to 72%, which occupies 60-80% starch. Products from cereals, for their values, should occupy an important place in the daily diet of children and adolescents, ranging from traditional Mash with milk in the morning, bread, pasta, etc. pilafi.

In general, children like, but it depends on the method of cooking and family traditions (when consumed and adults) The amount of wheat nurturing, lies in the high proportion of starch. As for proteins, not only does not account for more than 10-12%, if not complete, because they contain less complex amino acids (lysine and tryptophan are found in very small percentage).

When the child begins to? Flour initiated after the 5 month, the first age when food starts.

Rice - is a special nutritious; complex contains 80% sugars, proteins with high biological value of 7 to 8%, B group vitamins, mineral salts (iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium) and high caloric value (362 calories per 100 gr.). Rice in the market found in the form of peeled and complete (the latter retains full value).

When it start? I milled (rice flour), is part of the food first. In generally accepted in the form of soup or pilafit. Measure the flour and grain, can be calculated approximately as follows:
1 teaspoon about 5 g; 1 tablespoon jam about 10 g; 1 tablespoon 15 gr. Rice juice is mainly used for diluting the milk cow. It contains very few calories (about 50 calories per liter) and only 1% starch; as seen no nutritional value, so should be used only for diluting the milk and not as food. Instead of ofrizit can be used and barley.

Getting prepared: In a liter of water, thrown 30 gr.oris and left little to soften, then put simmer on slow fire until it remains half. Following drained in a strainer petty or gauze (not printed nor squeezing), add water that has evaporated during cooking until it reaches the initial measure (1 liter), 3-4 gr. salt and fluid rice is ready.

Rice concentrated juice (dekokt) - 80 gr. oris jump in 1 liter of water and left to soften for about 10-12 hours; then put simmer on slow fire until the rice groats burst. During cooking, add water lost, crushed, passed sieve (or drive). When invited, will take gjëlatinoze pelteje form, ready for use. Not recommended roasted chicken meat, especially thighs, paidhaqet, steak, hamburger.

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