Thursday, January 28, 2016

Here's how to save yourself from stroke

A person experiencing a heart attack begins to feel the constriction in the chest, pain and pressure and subsequent loss of power and blockage of the left side of the body.

A person whose heart is experiencing irregularities in its work, begins to feel bad and he has only 10 seconds available before losing consciousness. These 10 seconds he must utilize of maximal to be able to help themselves, and the solution has to do with expectoration. But, of course, first of all you need to call an ambulance.

Cough powerful, uninterrupted, deep and prolonged followed by breathing every two seconds can help significantly before reaching aid.

Deep breathing brings oxygen to the lungs, and causes coughing movements that put pressure on the heart and maintain circulation. Pressure in the heart contributes to restoring normal rhythm that can be crucial to a person living in the hospital.

To us this disease is the most common cause of premature death. Symptoms of stroke include: persistent pain and very powerful, coercion and pressure in the chest or ribs below the chest. The pain often spreads to the left hand, neck and jaw. The pain is often accompanied by fatigue, malaise, sweating and sometimes with vomiting and taking spirit.

These usually come because of hard work or physical fatigue Psychic, nervousness, smoking, drinking excessive coffee or alcohol, nutrition unhealthy, stay in the cold, but the pain can occur even without this factor provocative when you in silence or when you are sleeping because of blood clots.

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