In chemical kinetics, the rate (or velocity) of a reaction mechanism with several steps is often determined by the slowest step, known as the rate-determining step (RDS) or rate-limiting step. The experimental rate equation can help to identify which step is rate-determining.
In a reaction coordinate, the transition state with the highest energy is the rate-determining step of a given reaction.
The concept of the rate-determining step is very important to the optimization and understanding of many chemical processes such as catalysis and combustion.
The concentration of a reactive intermediate such as [NO3] remains low and almost constant. It may therefore be estimated by the steady state approximation, which specifies that the rate at which it is formed equals the (total) rate at which it is consumed. In this example NO3 is formed in one step and reacts in two, so that![\frac{{d} {[NO_3]}} {dt}=r_1 - r_2 - r_{-1} \approx 0](
The statement that the first step is the slow step actually means that the first step in the reverse direction is slower than the second step in the forward direction, so that almost all NO3 is consumed by reaction with CO and not with NO. That is, r-1 << r2, so that r1 – r2 ≈ 0. But the overall rate of reaction is the rate of formation of final product (here CO2), so that r = r2 ≈ r1. That is, the overall rate is determined by the rate of the first step, and (almost) all molecules which react by the first step continue to the second step which is just as fast.
If the first step were at equilibrium, then its equilibrium constant expression permits calculation of the concentration of the intermediate NO3 in terms of more stable (and more easily measured) reactant and product species
In contrast the alkaline hydrolysis of methyl bromide (CH3Br) is a bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2) reaction in a single bimolecular step. Its rate law is second-order, rate = k[RBr][OH-].
In a reaction coordinate, the transition state with the highest energy is the rate-determining step of a given reaction.
The concept of the rate-determining step is very important to the optimization and understanding of many chemical processes such as catalysis and combustion.
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Example reaction: NO2 + CO
As an example, consider the gas-phase reaction NO2 + CO → NO + CO2. If this reaction occurred in a single step, its reaction rate (r) would be proportional to the rate of collisions between NO2 and CO molecules r = k[NO2][CO], where k is the reaction rate constant and square brackets indicate a molar concentration.First step rate-determining
In fact, however, the observed reaction rate is second order in NO2 and zero order in CO,[1] with rate equation r = k[NO2]2. This suggests that the rate is determined by a step in which two NO2 molecules react, with the CO molecule entering at another, faster, step. A possible mechanism in two elementary steps which explains the rate equation is:- NO
2 + NO
2 → NO + NO
3 (slow step, rate-determining) - NO
3 + CO → NO
2 + CO
2 (fast step)
The concentration of a reactive intermediate such as [NO3] remains low and almost constant. It may therefore be estimated by the steady state approximation, which specifies that the rate at which it is formed equals the (total) rate at which it is consumed. In this example NO3 is formed in one step and reacts in two, so that
![\frac{{d} {[NO_3]}} {dt}=r_1 - r_2 - r_{-1} \approx 0](
The statement that the first step is the slow step actually means that the first step in the reverse direction is slower than the second step in the forward direction, so that almost all NO3 is consumed by reaction with CO and not with NO. That is, r-1 << r2, so that r1 – r2 ≈ 0. But the overall rate of reaction is the rate of formation of final product (here CO2), so that r = r2 ≈ r1. That is, the overall rate is determined by the rate of the first step, and (almost) all molecules which react by the first step continue to the second step which is just as fast.
If the second step were rate-determining
The other possible case would be that the second step is slow and rate-determining, meaning that it is slower than the first step in the reverse direction: r2 << r-1. In this hypothesis, r1 – r-1 ≈ 0, so that the first step is (almost) at equilibrium. The overall rate is determined by the second step, r = r2 << r1, as very few molecules which react by the first step continue to the second step which is much slower. However this hypothesis can be rejected (for the example reaction) since it implies a rate equation which disagrees with experiment.If the first step were at equilibrium, then its equilibrium constant expression permits calculation of the concentration of the intermediate NO3 in terms of more stable (and more easily measured) reactant and product species
Nucleophilic substitution
Another example is the unimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN1) reaction in organic chemistry, where it is the first, rate-determining step that is unimolecular. A specific case is the basic hydrolysis of tert-butyl bromide (t-C4H9Br) by aqueous sodium hydroxide. The mechanism has two steps (where R denotes the tert-butyl radical t-C4H9)- Formation of a carbocation R-Br → R+ + Br-
- Nucleophilic attack by one water molecule R+ + OH- → ROH.
In contrast the alkaline hydrolysis of methyl bromide (CH3Br) is a bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2) reaction in a single bimolecular step. Its rate law is second-order, rate = k[RBr][OH-].