This section deals with different types of connectivity. Connectivity is the way a computer connects to a network or to the Internet. We will be dealing with four different ways of connecting to a network or to the Internet: Dial-up, Internet Connection Sharing, Remote Access Service, and ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line). Here you will also find a subcategory for each Windows Operating System.
The articles in this section deal mainly with how to configure your computer for different types of Internet Connection Sharing using different methods.
The articles in this section deal mainly with how to configure your computer for different types of Internet Connection Sharing using different methods.
ADSL via Network Card : Problems with ADSL Connection
by Johannes Helmig [Published on 1 Nov. 2001 / Last Updated on 1 Nov. 2001]
special problem : Periodic pauses / delays in displaying Webpages
When connecting from Windows95/98/ME via a network card to an ADSL-modem, you should
install some patches , to avoid your ADSL/ DSL connection to "hang up" after a few minutes.:
Updates to the Windows System files NDIS.VXD and VTCP.386 (for more information and
the download links, see the Microsoft Knowledge base articles Q236926 and Q243199 ) :
However, these patched did not fix my problem :
In regular intervals, when I requested to display a webpage on a different server
(when following a link from one website to another or selecting a link from the menu: Favorites in the browser),
nothing happened for 30-60 seconds, then the page got displayed.
This is caused by the TCP/IP protocol using the network adapter connecting to the
ADSL-modem, when there is NO IP-address configured :
When connecting from Windows95/98/ME via a network card to an ADSL-modem, you should
install some patches , to avoid your ADSL/ DSL connection to "hang up" after a few minutes.:
Updates to the Windows System files NDIS.VXD and VTCP.386 (for more information and
the download links, see the Microsoft Knowledge base articles Q236926 and Q243199 ) :
Check in Windows\System the file-version of NDIS.VXD. make sure, that you have 4.10.2224. (if not, download patch at Q243199 ). Note: My Windows98SE system did have file-version 4.10.2222, and I have seen multiple publications strongly suggesting to install this patch on Windows98SE to prevent your system hanging. | |
Check in Windows\System the file-version of VTCP.386. make sure, that you have 4.10.2223. (if not, download patch at Q236926). Note: My Windows98SE system did have file-version 4.10.2222. |
However, these patched did not fix my problem :
In regular intervals, when I requested to display a webpage on a different server
(when following a link from one website to another or selecting a link from the menu: Favorites in the browser),
nothing happened for 30-60 seconds, then the page got displayed.
I have found out, that these delays are caused by the DNS resolution : I was able to PING the Internet server using the IP-address, but when trying to PING using the name, nothing happens for 30-60 seconds. | |
Then the system was able to get the IP-address from the DNS-serverand made the PING communication test (and when I had the Internet Explorer open "hanging"/Waiting to display a new page, it started to display the new page at the same time as PING reported the IP-address) |
This is caused by the TCP/IP protocol using the network adapter connecting to the
ADSL-modem, when there is NO IP-address configured :
I have seen several reports in Computer journals, suggesting to : - assign a static IP-address (I do not know, if this will interfere with a LAN configuration with 2 network cards installed) - delete the TCP/IP-protocol having a binding with the network card connection to the ADSL-modem (that was not possible with the ADSL software delivered |